Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 20, 2012

Today's entry will be about DIET (...and I didn't say diets or dieting). According to Websters, DIET (n) means the food that a person, animal or community habitually consumes. This is important due to a diet being a way of life and a new diet is a change in LIFESTYLE. As a parent, you are told by a doctor that your child is obese, for example. With this diagnosis, you decide to "put your child on a diet". In order for that child to be successful in living a healthier lifestyle the entire family must change and adapt. Never RESTRICT...MODIFY. If you want to cut back on sugar...go from SODAS to JUICE to LIGHT JUICES; and limit the times in  a day he/she can drink sweetened drinks. Juice is allowed only at dinner or lunch..push milk or water during snacks and breakfast. If you want to cut back on CARBS...don't send your child to school with lettuce wrapped sandwiches because bread isn't allowed in the house. MODIFY...instead of a whole sandwich with two slices of bread, make half a sandwich with extra fruits in the lunch and cheese. Or a great alternative for bread are SANDWICH WRAPS/TORTILLAS. Yes these wraps are similar to bread in nutritional value but ONE MEDIUM WRAP replaces TWO SLICES OF BREAD...(plus they come in different flavors...I love spinach wraps and my children love wheat or multigrain best). Replace FRUIT SNACKS with actual FRUIT. Don't put JELLY on that PB/J, just do PB with GRAPES/STRAWBERRIES on the side. Not everyone has the time to prepare things fresh or cook meals from scratch; but, remember when you do, YOU know  EXACTLY what's in YOUR MEAL. For those "DIET FOOD" consumers...BEWARE...if something is SUGAR FREE it's typically full of fat to compensate for flavor; and, if it's FAT FREE it's typically full of sodium/salt. **FUN FACT...when you drink the DIET SODAS that have no sugar, the body still responds by releasing insulin due to the sweet taste; therefore, you become hungry since insulin doesn't have any sugar to counteract with** Remember dieting is a quick fix for weight but when you modify your lifestyle, you are set for life.

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