Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18, 2012

Hey daily readers, (...did you miss me) I didn't make an entry yesterday since there wasn't much going on. However, I did start reading Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain with my 9 year old yesterday after homework time. Today, baby Maelena and I went on an adventure. We went to the local farmer's market and park. At the farmer's market, they had all the produce for the fall season...APPLES, PUMPKINS, GOURDS and SQUASH. They also had local honey from different farms. If you have never had a chance to taste honey from different farms, you should try it. It's similar to tasting wines from different vineyards. Honeybees consume foods from their natural surroundings. For example, if the honey comes from a pumpkin farm then the honey will have a slight pumpkin flavor. I personally have honey from a blackberry farm which has a slight tart taste of black berries which gives some of my dishes an extra dimension. So if you love honey, pay the extra money to experience something glorious. Typical of farmer's markets, there were plenty of JAMS, SAUCES, SPICE BLENDS and SALSAS. SWEET POTATO BUTTER is something that caught my eye...I mean, is it like PEANUT BUTTER or APPLE CINNAMON BUTTER? One day I will purchase it and let you guys know. But true to my personal projects, I did purchase a new vegetable/fruit. I bought a PERSIMMON (...I know, what the heck is a persimmon). Well after talking with one of the owners, he said it's "like" a fruit; his grandmother made PERSIMMON PIES. He also gave me a tip...DO NOT EAT PERSIMMONS UNTIL THE FRUIT HAS RIPENED (...water balloon-like were his words).  I have attached a picture of the fruit, but the skin is similar to a nectarine and the flesh is hard like a baseball. When it ripens in a few days, I will describe the taste. I also bought some SWEET POTATOES, GREEN BEANS and STRAWBERRIES. Strawberries from a farmer's market are sweeter and larger than the strawberries at the large supermarkets. After we left the market, Maelena and I went to the park to play in the fall leaves. At lunch, we ate PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES and FRESH STRAWBERRIES.

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