Monday, November 5, 2012

November 4, 2012

Today, I decided to do a picture log of me preparing a meal for dinner. I cooked one of my specialties COUNTRY STYLE PORK RIBS WITH GREEN BEANS AND SWEET POTATOES. When choosing pork, make sure that the MEAT TO FAT RATIO is 85/15 to 90/10. The fat is what carries the flavor in pork so you don't need to season the meat as much as beef or chicken. Always clean your meat before cooking in cool running water and trim any extremely fatty areas. If you are cooking meats for extended periods of time on a stovetop, make sure it's in a deep pot/skillet that has a lid to prevent drying. Also, sear (brown each side on a higher temp) the meat in order to trap the natural juices in the meat before simmering for long periods of time. When using fresh veg=vegetables, rinse them in cool running water as well. ENJOY THE PICS.

**UPDATE** Can you believe that PERSIMMON I purchased at the market almost a month ago is STILL not ripe? Well, it's getting there. It has shrunken a little and is now turning a vibrant red, orange from a pale yellow, orange. I will keep you posted...I hope it's worth the wait.

1 comment:

  1. Please excuse the fact that my pictures are not in chronological/sequence order do to uploading issues.
